How To Install Android 6.0 on android 5 lollipop Without Rooting
Are you interested in upgrading your android in android 6.0 Marshmallow.Then you are at the right place.This trick work with all of the devices so you dont have to worry about going some were else.we will teach you on How To Install Android 6.0 Without Rooting This trick is applicable to following android version.
You can follow the following links if you want tutorial for specific Android Version.
- How to update Android Lollipop into Android 6.0 Marshmallow
- How to update Android kitkat into Android 6.0 Marshmallow
- How to update Android Jelly Bean into Android 6.0 Marshmallow
- How to update Android I cream Sand witch into Android 6.0 Marshmallow
- How To update Android Gingerbread into Android 6.0 Marshmallow
Updating into Marshmallow is a very good step because it has been a major upgrade over other Android version. And all of the problem can be solved from this Android version.So Lest starts on How To Update Android Into Anroid 6.0 Marshmallow
Before going down in this post we just want to tell you that this process is just going to give your Phone a Marshmallow look. This will just change the appearance of any android version whether it is jelly bean,kitkat, gingerbread,lollipop,ics and this process will not change the basic hardware of your phone.But for sure you will love the way your phone look.May be this launcher will bring some changes in your system also. so without wasting any time lets starts on how to Updating into Marshmallow is a very good step because it has been a major upgrade over other Android version. And all of the problem can be solved from this Android version.So Lest starts on How To Update Android Into Android 6.0 Marshmallow.ONE MORE THING YOU DONT HAVE TO ROOT YOUR DEVICE FOR THIS PROCESS
How To Install Android 6.0 Without Rooting
As told earlier it will just change the look of your phone.
We are going to use a Marshmallow launcher to give your android a Marshmallow look.This is a official android 6.0 launcher released by google itself.
How to get looks of Android M 6.0 on Gingebread, Ice cream Sandwich , jellybean , Kitkat and lollipop without rooting
- First You Have To Download The Official Android M6.0 Launcher. CLICK HERE
- This you Have To Enable Third Party Authorization
- Now Install The App
In some device it may ask you to update Google play store which is quite common.
Now press the home button and you will see two options
- Google Now launcher
- Launcher
Now press Google Now Launcher and set it as default and this will automatically set every thing in your Android device.
Hope you Enjoy Our Post On How To Update Android Into Anroid 6.0 Marshmallow.After Doing All the Step You Will Learn How To Update Android Into Anroid 6.0 Marshmallow
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