How To Find And Block People From Using Your Wifi And Internet

How To Minitor Who is Using Your Wifi/Internet

Do you want to keep a check on Who is Using Your Wifi And Internet?Then you have open the perfect site.Today in this guide we will teach you How To check Who Is Using Your Wifi And Internet.So lets continue and check whether you are  been tricked by some and if someone is using your internet and Wifi.

How to find and Block people from using your WiFi/Internet?


It could be really disgusting when someone is accessing your Wifi or any unauthorized device is connected to your WiFi network as this could lower you internet spedd. Also in some countries we have Internet plans with limited high speed data and someone is using your Wifi you won’t be getting that high speed data you actually paid for and getting that extra GBs of high speed is very high on pocket.Not only the high bills or speed is an issue, what if someone accesses some illegal information over your WiFi network and this might land you in trouble. 
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So lets begin to check Who is using your Wifi Or Internet Without Your Permission

How to find people connected to your WiFi/internet?


  • Open up your PC and download Wireless network watcher From Here.
  • Open the .zip file and open up .exe file in the folder and this software just scans your wireless network and displays the list of all computers and devices that are currently connected to your network.
  • For every device(computer,router,cellphone etc.) connected to your WiFi network it will show IP address, MAC address, the company that manufactured the network card, and optionally the computer name. 
  • Just in above screenshot you can see last one is my router and just above that is my Laptop with their MAC addresses and in this way you can always find the devices connected.
How to kick off/block people from using your WiFi/Internet?

  • Try changing the password at first by entering the login details in your router login page by just entering the router IP in your browser. For example- I have a TP LINK modem and its IP is 
  • If changing password does not fixes the problem then you can block the unwanted users forever. 
  • Just login to your router IP page in your browser as I mentioned above.
  • You need to find the MAC Filtering option on the page by  clicking on the Wireless options or Secuirity options or Advanced options.In different routers the location of MAC filtering Option will be different so just keep messing around and find it. As in my case (TP Link) it was under Wireless options.
  • Click on add device in the MAC filtering option or in some cases it would to first enable the MAC filtering option and just type in the MAC address  ('xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx') (you can find the Mac address of the devices from the Wireless Network Watcher application which I mentioned above) of the devices you want to allow to connect to your Wifi network.
  • Click on apply and save option. Cheers you are done.
So this was our guide On How To Find And Block People From Using Your Wifi And Internet.We hope You liked our post on How To Find And Block People From Using Your Wifi And Internet.

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